
Success, Delivered!

DOGRA CPA firm provides a comprehensive set of services to closely-held companies, high net worth individuals and families, including tax planning and compliance, valuation, financial planning, international wealth advisory services, risk management, cash flow and asset protection planning, among others.

DOGRA CPA professionals have significant breadth and depth of knowledge in key service areas including compliance, international tax, state and local tax, business and asset valuation, employee benefit plans, and risk management, among many others.

our services

accounting and tax planning


Good tax planning is integral to sound business success. In today’s fluid tax environment we provide a variety of strategies so that your business will be well positioned to the desired outcomes

accounting and tax services


We provide a variety of service  in accounting areas: financial-statement assurance, accounting and bookkeeping, and business improvement services to inform the financial position and performance of an enterprise.

Financial Analysis


Explore our valuation services!  We offer complete and objective business valuation services to meet client specific needs. Our firm has professionals with unique expertise in measuring and  analyzing broad range of business valuation issues.



We develop a holistic approach for our client’s success in business. Our team with experts in financing make sure your small business is stable and bankable enough to qualify for bank financing for the purposes of working capital, capital expenditures, and repayment of loans.

accounting and tax services in Financial Planning

FInancial Planning

We develop and implement result oriented financial planning strategies for high net-worth individuals to achieve their financial goals in areas of education planning, retirement planning, estate planning and risk management.

financial analysis


Small businesses often faced with  numerous decisions every day. DOGRA CPA LLC provides financial input to these decisions, which help them  to lead in their industries

our advantage

accounting and tax services

Timely Information

We meet with our clients on a regular basis in order to keep them abreast of changes in the accounting and tax landscape that will affect their businesses and also discuss planning opportunities.

Add Value

Our position in the marketplace allows us to provide a high level of expertise while providing cohesive, cost-effective and timely client service. As your business continues to develop, we will be able to provide you best-practices advice on a wide range of business issues.


We use all resources and best practices to turn a small business into an enterprise powerhouse.